WA State Legislature, Hates Gun Owners – Passes Magazine Ban

Late Friday, the Washington State Legislature dealt another blow to gun owners in the Pacific Northwest. With a vote of 55-42, the Washington Senate passed SB5078. Everyone knows the law does nothing to enhance public safety. It only gives desperate Democrat lawmakers a pound of flesh that they can throw to their gun-hating base.

AR 15 30 round magazine

SB5078 does nothing for public safety —

The magazine ban applies to both center-fire and rim-fired magazines that hold 10 rounds or more. SB507 bans the manufacture, possession, distribution, importation, selling, offering for sale, purchasing, or transfer of these so-called high capacity magazines.

Friday’s 11:00 PM vote timing ensured weekend activities, and skyrocketing gas prices would likely obscure its reporting.

One of the bill’s sponsors called, Senator Marko Liias said this after the passing vote:

For too long, we have accepted gun violence as an inevitable part of life. My own community was impacted by gun violence in 2016 when three young lives were lost due to a mass shooting. Today, the Legislature took long-overdue action to protect families across Washington from that harm by restricting the sale of high-capacity magazines. This is a commonsense policy that will save lives, and I am grateful for all of the years of advocacy that led to its passage.

There is still time to purchase your 10 round magazines —

Washingtonians can still possess magazines with over 10 rounds; they just can’t purchase, sell or import them. Here is the final bill.

Ammoland reported that orders placed on Palmetto State Armory for “high capacity” magazines from Washington state would ship out immediately and prioritize other orders. So you folks in Washington State have until July 1st to legally purchase magazines over 10 rounds.

30 round high capacity ar 15 magazine

When fighting the Russians, 30-rounders come in handy.

More anti-gun legislation is sure to follow —

I don’t live in Washington, but if you do, I suggest looking into organizations like Washington Civil Rights Association. The Washington Legislature is hostile toward freedom and gun rights, and they won’t stop attacking your rights. Hold your elected officials accountable and vote out the ones who trample on liberty.

Here is a post from the Washinton Civil Rights Association’s Facebook page that includes an explanatory graphic on SB 5078.

fact sheet magazine ban

The best gun-law resource for gun-owners who travel —

Here is a perfect time to remind you about the best legal resource that you can use to determine any state’s firearm laws, and much, much more. Our App called Concealed Carry Gun Tools provides legal information for every state and DC.



  1. fred on March 21, 2022 at 12:53 pm

    nowhere on this bill does it restrict the possesion or use of a standard or (high capacity magazine). read the bills before causing panick.

    • Riley Bowman on March 23, 2022 at 8:14 pm

      Fred, the 6th paragraph of the article states that very thing.

  2. adam on May 1, 2022 at 1:43 am

    Are they banned from sales and use ?? i dont see anywhere it says you cant use them anymore, can we still use the ones we have?
    because we used to have a law on silencers that you could only have them but not use them.

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