Washington Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity

For those who have a current permit or those looking to obtain one this page will give you additional insights about permit reciprocity.

For Washington Residents:

If you have a valid concealed carry permit from the state of Washington it will be honored in the green states as represented below in the map. Please remember these critical facts:

1: Just because a state honors the Washington permit doesn’t mean they have identical gun laws. You still must honor the laws of the state where you are visiting even if they are different from Washington. The burden is on you to do the research. We recommend this book.

2: While the red states may not honor the Washington permit, you can still transport your firearm through those states per 926A of the National Firearm Owner Protection Act, as long as the firearm is not loaded, not readily accessible from the passenger compartment, and secured encased in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console.

For Non-Residents Traveling to Washington

To check to see if your state permit is honored in Washington we recommend visiting the below link to use our national permit reciprocity map generator to check on the current status of your permit in Washington.

–>Concealed Carry Permit Map Generator